5 طرق عشان تطور نفسك في مهارة الرسم

These are some of the ways you can improve your drawing skills: 1.Get the right tablet: Not all tablet will suit your style and give you that comfortable working area for you. So the first and foremost thing is to get the right kind of drawing tablet for you that fits your need. It simply […]

ما هي تقنية الواقع المعزز؟

There are so many speculations that are surfacing about the word AR which has hundreds of meanings but we will explain to you the meaning of AR in tech-speak language.So, we want to make sure you understand when people talk about startling statistics like the fact that the global augmented reality market is expected to […]

هل أفلام مارفل جيدة للمشاهدة بتقنية 3D ؟

The most frequently asked question If Marvel’s Movies are good enough in 3D Or is it just a waste of money by buying more expensive tickets for higher movie revenue? The old Movies of Marvel, of course, are indisputable, the quality at the time was not enough for 3D technology. But in recent years Marvel […]

٦ مميزات لكاردو ايبوك

1- Unlimited pages: Enjoy 100.000 pages till the battery ends and once you change it you can enjoy a 100.000 more, you can write or draw as much as you can. You will have no limit to write at eBoOk tablet, go creative .. nothing can stop you word flow! 2- Endurable material: CardoO eBoOk […]

فوايد لعب ألعاب الفيديو

Recent research has proved that gaming has numerous benefits and the key among them, is the development of cognitive skills in both children and adults. Cognitive games help to indulge one’s brain in constant stimulation, thus improving the brain’s performance. The following are some of the cognitive benefits of playing video games. Improves coordination When […]

تغيير مفهوم الشركات الناشئة من خلال التكنولوجيا

Egypt has one of the fastest-growing startup ecosystems in the world and the second largest after the UAE, It is also witnessing a strong entrepreneurship wave and driven by a domestic appetite for technological advancement. However, more than 73% of Egyptians think that entrepreneurship is a good career choice, and a total of 46% of Egypt’s adult population is […]

كل حاجة محتاج تعرفها عن ال 5G

The 5G Technology can be referred to as the next-in-line to 4G (LTE/WiMax), the current fastest mobile communication standard which is also known as the Fifth-Generation wireless cellular network. 5G is not only aiming to lower latency, but it also boasts a theoretical maximum speed of 20 Gigabits per second which is way faster than […]

أحدث تطبيق تجريبي على فيسبوك يشبه إلى حد كبير بيتنرريست

Facebook is taking some inspiration from Pinterest. Facebook (FB) has quietly released a new app called “Hobbi,” which allows users to save photos of projects and activities they’re interested in, much like Pinterest allows users to bookmark or “pin” content. Like Pinterest, Hobbi focuses on lifestyle topics such as cooking, home décor, and do-it-yourself projects. According to […]

تتبع لياقتك البدنية على CardoO smartwatch

The benefit of CardoO smartwatches is that it looks after your fitness and it maintains to give you the report to your workouts. Amazing, right? Always-On Fitness Tracking If you are like most of the population trying to lose weight, it does help with the diet.  You will love this for speeding up the weight […]

نص أطفال المملكة المتحدة عندهم Smartphone

Fifty percent of the UK’s 10-year-old owned a smartphone in 2019, according to a report by media regulator Ofcom. The amount of young phone owners doubled between the ages of nine and 10, which Ofcom dubbed “the age of digital independence”. In addition, 24% of 3 and 4-year-olds had their own tablet, and 15% of them were […]