إيه أنواع دراعات التحكم

Introduction to joysticks: There have been many different types of game controllers used in the history of computer games. The most popular controller has been joystick, which is simply a box with a button and sticks to control the motion in the game. But there have been many types of joysticks. Different joystick types: Digital […]

ألعاب الفيديو تطور المهارات الحياتية

When gamers band together to defeat a three-headed zombie dragon boss, they may not be thinking much about school or work. Still, they are likely building skills that will come in handy in the real world, a new study finds. Researchers in Scotland found that playing video games in a group can improve young adults’ […]

إزاي الواقع الإفتراضي هيغير العالم!

Virtual reality isn’t just for gaming – it’s a technology that can make a real difference to our collective futures. Here’s how VR will change our world. Surgery It’s better and safer for surgeons in training to perfect their techniques on things other than real humans, but it would also be better for trainee surgeons […]