Changing the Startup Scene with Technology

Egypt has one of the fastest-growing startup ecosystems in the world and the second largest after the UAE,

It is also witnessing a strong entrepreneurship wave and driven by a domestic appetite for technological advancement.

However, more than 73% of Egyptians think that entrepreneurship is a good career choice, and a total of 46% of Egypt’s adult population is able to recognize good market opportunities for new businesses.

Perhaps suggesting that more people have the capability and knowledge to become entrepreneurs.

The startup in Egypt is also impacted by the technology adoption that we are witnessing. And which is evident in the entrance of new ventures and the transformation of existing businesses.

We are also leveraging novel digital technologies in new ways. For instance, blockchain, AI, social, mobile, analytics and cloud, and cyber-solutions.

All in order to adapt the traditional way of creating and doing business to the digital era.

Over the past decade, International tech companies have been increasingly working with many Egyptian startups. For instanceIBM (International Business Machines Corporation).

IBM Egypt is currently working with multiple initiatives targeting developers, including Hackathons, meetups and workshops.

In partnership with local incubators, universities, and partners, providing Egyptian developers with access to IBM’s Cloud and AI platforms.

IBM Egypt is also hosting the Middle East and Africa Digital Sales Center

which is designed to transform the way IBM digitally engages with its ecosystem, including clients, business partners, academia, developers, and startups across 70 countries in the region.

Since startups are tech-inclined in building their business models, IBM has partnered with several incubators and reached hundreds of startups offering tech solutions. IBM has also partnered with Nile University’s NUTechSpace.

More recently, IBM signed a MOU with RiseUp Summit to reach more startups at the Greek Campus. This is in addition to another partnership with Falak Startups.

IBM and Egypt’s Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) are also partnering under a common vision to support the growth of the local entrepreneurship ecosystem.

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