Technology is an essential part of the development and growth of humans. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one such technology that is gaining momentum and hype. With technology becoming a part of our everyday lives, AI has become a topic of debates and discussions where technocrats consider it as a blessing, and for some, it is a disaster.

We won’t be wrong in saying that giving power to machines will ease out certain problems but will also create some destruction at the same time. Let’s take a look at the benefits and risks of artificial intelligence.

Here are the advantages of AI:

Less Room for Errors

As decisions taken by a machine are based on previous records of data and the set of algorithms, the chances of errors reduce. This is an achievement, as solving complex problems that require difficult calculation, can be done without any scope of error.

Right Decision Making

The complete absence of emotions from a machine makes it more efficient as they are able to take the right decisions in a short span of time. The best example of this is its usage in healthcare. The integration of AI tools in the healthcare sector has improved the efficiency of treatments by minimizing the risk of false diagnosis.

Implementing AI in Risky Situations

Certain situations where human safety is vulnerable, machines that are fitted with predefined algorithms can be used. Nowadays, scientists are making use of complex machines to study the ocean floor where human survival becomes difficult.

Can Work Continuously

Unlike humans, machine does not get tired, even if it has to work for consecutive hours. This is a major benefit over the humans, who need rest time to be efficient. However, in the case of machines, their efficiency is not affected by any external factor and it does not get in the way of continuous work.

Here are the disadvantages of AI:

Expensive to Implement

When combining the cost of installation, maintenance and repair, AI is an expensive proposition. Those of who have huge funds can implement it. However, businesses and industries that do not have funds will find it difficult to implement AI technology into their processes or strategies.

Dependency on Machines

With the dependency of humans on machines increasing, we’re headed into a time where it becomes difficult for humans to work without the assistance of a machine. We’ve seen it in the past and there’s no doubt we’ll continue seeing it in the future, our dependency on machines will only increase. As a result, mental and thinking abilities of humans will actually decrease over time.

Displace Low Skilled Jobs

This is the primary concern for technocrats so far. It is quite possible that AI will displace many low skilled jobs. As machines can work 24*7 with no break, industries prefer investing in machines as compared to humans. As we are moving towards the automated world, where almost every task will be done by the machines, there is a possibility of large-scale unemployment. A real-time example of this is the concept of driverless cars. If the concept of driverless cars kicks in, millions of drivers will be left unemployed in the future.

Restricted Work

AI machines are programmed to do certain tasks based on what they are trained and programmed to do. Relying on machines to adapt to new environments, be creative and think out of the box will be a big mistake. This is not possible because their thinking zone is restricted to only the algorithms that they have been trained for.

As we end this article, we are sure that the benefits of artificial intelligence are far .more than the risks associated with it

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