What Age Is Safe For VR?

VR headsets are recommended for ages 13+ mostly . Cardoo VR is designed for people above 13 years because we follows the scientific recommendations for our customers safety

Can VR Cause Blindness?

VR won’t make you blind any more than TV will. Screens and lens are now clear and pure . Due to the advanced technologies and the huge improvement in glasses industry there is no need to feel scared.

How Can I Install The VR Into My Mobile ?

You can do it just in 5 steps : 1- scan the QR code on the paper that has come with the VR, it will modify your mobile setting with our VR 2-Scan the QR code on the VR box 3-Choose any game or movie 4-put your mobile in Cardoo

What Is The Features Of Cardoo VR ?

Cardoo VR is designed from a comfortable components to feel relaxed while you are wearing it, with a built-in headphones that produce a clear sound. You can resize all its parts (lens distance, headphones length, view angel, strap size) to fit you personally.