ما لا تعلمه عن السمنة!

Obesity Before talking in-depth about obesity, you need to know what it means. Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive built-up fats in your body that present a risk to health. A certain amount of body fat is needed for storing energy, heat insulation, and other functions. It puts a person at risk […]
ميتافيرس وريث الانترنت

A new revolution in the world of the Internet is happening, and Facebook is attempting to secure its position with billion-dollar investments and the hiring of over ten thousand engineers. The word “Metaverse” was created by Neal Stephenson in his novel “Snow Crash,” and it refers to a genre of science fiction in which humans […]
ملخص ايفينت “Unleashed” لشركة Apple

On October 18, 2021, The last event’s focus was on iPhones and Apple Watches. The main focus of this event is on music and Macs; new chips, new AirPods, and new MacBook Pros. Let me walk you through the new updates to the AirPods… The M1 Pro and M1 Max models. When Apple debuted its […]
حقيقة فيس بوك والهاكر الصيني

When applications used by thousands of individuals around the world blinked, companies were cut off from consumers and some Facebook employees were locked out of their offices. Facebook and its family of applications, including Instagram and WhatsApp, have been unreachable for hours on Monday, taking out a vital communications platform used by billions and showcasing […]
استعد لتنميه مهارات طفلك

The first day you know that you’ll have a child, you must start preparing for it. What do we mean by getting ready? As parents, we play multiple roles in the lives of our children. At the heart of all our roles is a desire to enable our children to grow up to be confident, […]
هل روبوت تسلا هيحكم العالم؟

Did you hear about Elon Musk’s latest innovation? Elon Musk recently stated that he is working on a humanoid robot that would be able to assist with tasks that take a long time to complete and that a person cannot do.The question here is, Can robots do the activities that humans do?? Let us first […]
التغيرات اللي هيلاحظها المدرسين والطلبة بعد استخدام iNote

In this article, you’ll see a few different examples of how you can work from home more effectively if you have the right equipment. As a result of the pandemic, many schools and universities around the world closed, and the demand for online and remote learning grew. As a result of this, the teaching method […]
5 وظائف هتقدر تستفيد من CardoO iNote

How is CardoO iNote beneficial for every job?! One of the most frequently asked questions we get is “Who can use CardoO iNote?” Well, CardoO iNote can be used by everyone and in many ways. Let’s see how each and every job can benefit from this amazing and smart graphic and Writing tablet. Teachers: CardoO […]
كل اللي هتحتاج تعرفه عن كاردو أي نوت !

The first question that may come to mind is, “What is CardoO iNote?” Were glad you asked, or more like we’re glad that thought came to mind…. in very broad terms one might define it as a smart board that aims to bridge the gap by offering digital convenience with a truly paper-like experience. But you […]
فورتينيت تُعيد القوة للأسود من جديد

” Last week, the entirely of Fortnite went dark “ Sunday evening, a record-breaking 6 million viewers leaped online via streaming platforms such as Twitch and YouTube to witness the end of a virtual world in which many had spent countless hours. No one saw it coming, despite the aptly titled in-game event ” The End” that […]